Armed with the power of 17 seaports, 15 economic zones, 22 industrial parks, 2 export processing zones, 8 airports, 2 trans-Vietnamese highways, East-West economic corridors, the potential for growth in the infrastructure of the Central is being promoted by general planning and orientation to overcome the range limitations of fragmentation, lack of connection over the years. The deep-water ports of Vung Ang – Son Duong (Ha Tinh), Chan May (Thua Thien Hue), Tien Sa (Da Nang City), Ky Ha (Quang Nam), and Dung Quat (Quang Ngai) have not been at their fullest capacity. Industrial and export processing zones are in a shortage of domestic and foreign enterprises, despite the policy of attracting, calling for, and supporting investment creating room for large infrastructure projects.
The core economic region of Central consists of 5 provinces/cities:
Compared to the remaining two core economic regions of Vietnam, the core economic region of Central has strengths in the development of transit harbor, tourism, and resorts.
Investment consultancy services provide domestic and foreign enterprises and investors with initial information about investment and business climate; policies to attract investment and sectors suitable for each area.
ο Forms of investing;
ο Procedures for registering investments, the establishment of economic
organizations linked to investment projects;
ο Land registration, land clearing, land lease processes;
ο Construction procedures;
ο Procedures for environmental issues;
ο Technology assessment processes and technology transfer records;
ο Certification procedures for land use and ownership.